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Empowering Women: Celebrating Trailblazers of Women's History Month

March 28, 2024

As Women's History Month draws to a close, we embark on a heartfelt journey of celebrating the remarkable lives and legacies of three extraordinary women who have left an indelible mark on their communities and beyond. From triumphing over adversity to tirelessly advocating for justice and empowerment, their stories resonate with resilience, determination, and unwavering dedication to uplifting others. 

Honoring Katisha Deacon: A Beacon of Resilience

Born and raised amidst the bustling streets of the Bronx, New York, Katisha Deacon's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. Growing up as one of six sisters, Katisha encountered her fair share of challenges, eventually becoming a teenage mother. Yet, against all odds, she emerged victorious, graduating from Frederick Douglass Academy 2 and dedicating herself to the noble cause of advocating for youth empowerment within its hallowed halls.

Inspired by the indomitable spirit of Maya Angelou, Katisha found solace in poetry, literature, and the transformative power of words.Through her partnership with Roads To Success (RTS), Katisha not only empowers students but also cultivates safe spaces for women, championing self-care as a vital component of personal and professional growth. Her mantra, "You are enough," serves as a beacon of hope and resilience, echoing her unwavering belief in the inherent worth and strength of every individual.

Through her partnership with Roads to Success, Katisha empowers students, fosters safe spaces for women, and champions self-care as essential for personal and professional growth

Celebrating Janet Cohen: A Trailblazer in Youth Empowerment

In the heart of bustling New York City, Janet Cohen's journey unfolds as a testament to purpose and resilience. As the co-founder of Teaching A Generation (T.A.G) with TCIONY, Janet's life's work revolves around empowering the next generation through transformative programs. Her inspiration stems from the sacrifices of her immigrant mother, instilling within her a relentless drive to effect positive change and break down barriers.

Through her partnership with Roads to Success, Janet's efforts have facilitated impactful events focused on youth empowerment, providing safe havens for the vibrant voices of NYC's youth to flourish and thrive. Her advice to aspiring women leaders echoes the sentiment of unwavering perseverance, urging them to trust the process, embrace discomfort, and never lose sight of their inherent worth and potential.

Today, we raise our voices in celebration of Janet Cohen, a trailblazer whose unwavering commitment to empowering our youth serves as a guiding light for generations of unstoppable women to come.

Honoring Emerald Snipes-Garner: A Champion of Justice and Empowerment

Amidst the bustling streets of Brooklyn, New York, Emerald Snipes-Garner's journey unfolds as a poignant tale of resilience and advocacy. Following the tragic murder of her father in 2014, Emerald courageously established We Can't Breathe Inc., a beacon of hope dedicated to advocating for justice and supporting caretakers after trauma.

Her unexpected role as the guardian of her late sister's two children redirected her path, igniting a fervent commitment to empowering caretakers navigating trauma. Through her partnership with Roads to Success, Emerald has provided invaluable mentorship, mental health support, and job training to young participants, guiding them toward their aspirations and dreams.

Today, we honor Emerald Snipes-Garner, a true champion of justice and empowerment, whose remarkable journey inspires us to embrace our inherent strength and resilience, and to advocate relentlessly for a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

As we bid farewell to Women's History Month, let us carry forth the legacies of these extraordinary women, standing shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, upliftment, and unwavering determination to create a world where every individual is empowered to thrive.

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