November 13, 2023
Curiosity and excitement filled the room as Roads to Success' Work Learn Grow interns stepped into the Dataiku office. For these promising NYC high schoolers and college newcomers, the workplace visit represented a glimpse into possible professional futures.
Intern Nevaeh Johnson remarked, "I gathered useful information about two-year colleges that I hadn't considered. It was insightful learning which institutions best align with my goals."
Mahadi Talha found the diverse backgrounds of Dataiku staff particularly interesting as it displays how varying trajectories can lead to dynamic industries like tech.
Nafiul Islam especially enjoyed the welcoming environment and sandwiches while observing how Dataiku teammates collaborate.
“Experiencing inclusive spaces expands what students envision as possible,” says Program Director Kamrun Farzana. “Dataiku showed our interns they can succeed being exactly who they are.”
We extend our deepest thanks to the Dataiku team for opening their doors and sparking inspiration through this impactful career exposure visit.
Through NYC DYCD’s Work Learn Grow employment program, with Roads to Success as their provider, we annually connect youth ages 14-24 with career exposure and paid experience.
This year 175 RTS participants gained motivation to diligently develop skills matching professional goals.
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